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The retaliators

original motion picture score
Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Dixon, Kyle (Komponist); Stein, Michael (Komponist)
Verfasserangabe: music by Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Medienkennzeichen: CD-Filmmusik
Jahr: [2024]
Verlag: New York, Better Noise Music
Mediengruppe: Compact Disc


BibliothekSignaturStandort 2BarcodeStatusFristVorbestellungenLageplan
Bibliothek: StB am Neumarkt Signatur: CD-21883 Standort 2: fD Retaliators Barcode: 18108996 Status: Verfügbar Frist: Vorbestellungen: 0 Lagepläne:


I'll never come back. Friday afternoon. Those aren't zombies. Flat tire. Keep evil alive. Surveillance tape. Job is done. Stolen space. Stolen space pt. 2. Drug deal. Meeting place. Your name is now 21. Cops are here. Looking for you. Elisabeth. Six fucking years. I'm gonna need the keys. Bishop's revenge. Escape from the well. You have to get out of here. Blood in the river. Hell on earth. Eyeball atmospheric version. Survive. A journey trough hell. O holy night. Bishop and ram fight. Batting cages are for hitting.


Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Dixon, Kyle (Komponist); Stein, Michael (Komponist)
Verfasserangabe: music by Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Medienkennzeichen: CD-Filmmusik
Jahr: [2024]
Verlag: New York, Better Noise Music
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik fD
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Beschreibung: 1 CD + 1 Poster
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Sprache: Englisch
Mediengruppe: Compact Disc