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No direction home - The soundtrack

a Martin Scorese picture ; [CD]
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Verfasserangabe: Bob Dylan
Medienkennzeichen: CD-Beat, Rock, Pop
Jahr: 2005
Verlag: Berlin, Sony Music Entertainment
Reihe: The bottleg series; vol. 7
Mediengruppe: Compact Disc


BibliothekSignaturStandort 2BarcodeStatusFristVorbestellungenLageplan
Bibliothek: StB am Neumarkt Signatur: CD-5535 Standort 2: iD D Barcode: 12609444 Status: Verfügbar Frist: Vorbestellungen: 0 Lagepläne:


Suche nach diesem Verfasser
Verfasserangabe: Bob Dylan
Medienkennzeichen: CD-Beat, Rock, Pop
Jahr: 2005
Verlag: Berlin, Sony Music Entertainment
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik iD
Interessenkreis: Suche nach diesem Interessenskreis Rock/Pop
Beschreibung: 2 Compact Discs + Booklet
Reihe: The bottleg series; vol. 7
Beteiligte Personen: Suche nach dieser Beteiligten Person Dylan, Bob
Fußnote: Enth. CD 1: When I got troubles. Rambler, gambler. This land is your land. Song to Woody. Dink's song. I was young, when I left home. Sally Gal. Don't think twice, it's all right. Man of constant sorrow. Blowin' in the wind. Masters of war. A hard rain's a-gonna fall. When the ship comes in. Mr. Tambourine man. Chimes of freedom. It's all over now, Baby Blue. - CD 2: She belongs to me. Maggie's farm. It takes a lot to laugh, it takes a train to cry. Tombstone Blues. Just like Tom Thumb's Blues. Desolation row. Highway 61 revisited. Leopard-skin pill-box hat. Stuck inside of mobile with the Memphis Blues again. Visions of Johanna. Ballad of a thin man. Like a rolling stone. - Interpr.: Dylan, Bob [voc]. - P 2005.
Mediengruppe: Compact Disc