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The essential James Taylor

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Verfasserangabe: Interpr.: James Taylor
Medienkennzeichen: CD-Beat, Rock, Pop
Jahr: 2015
Verlag: Alsdorf, Warner Music
Mediengruppe: Compact Disc


BibliothekSignaturStandort 2BarcodeStatusFristVorbestellungenLageplan
Bibliothek: StB am Neumarkt Signatur: CD-14487 Standort 2: iD Taylor, J. Barcode: 14940804 Status: Verfügbar Frist: Vorbestellungen: 0 Lagepläne:


Suche nach diesem Verfasser
Verfasserangabe: Interpr.: James Taylor
Medienkennzeichen: CD-Beat, Rock, Pop
Jahr: 2015
Verlag: Alsdorf, Warner Music
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik iD
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Beschreibung: 2 CDs + Beih.
Beteiligte Personen: Suche nach dieser Beteiligten Person Taylor, James [Interpret]
Fußnote: Enth.: CD 1: Sweet baby James. Fire and rain. Long ago and far away. You've got a friend. Don't let me be lonely. One man parade. Walking man. Hello old friend. How sweet it is (To be loved by you). Mexico. Gorilla. Shower the people. Nothing like A hundred miles. Don't be sad 'cause your sunisdown. Steamroller. Something in the Way she moves. Carolina in my mind. Honey don't leave L.A.. Handy man - CD 2: Your smiling face. Millworker. Her town too. Everyday. Only One. That's why I'm here. Never die young. Copperline. The water is wide. Country road (live). Secret o' life (live). Line 'em up. Little more time with you. Another day. Hard times come again no more. Caroline, I see you. My Traveling Star (live). You Can Close Your Eyes (live).
Mediengruppe: Compact Disc