
Cover von A guide to the educational system of England and Wales
Verfasser: Great Britain / Ministry of Education Suche nach diesem Verfasser
Medienkennzeichen: Magazinbestand
Jahr: 1947
Verlag: London, H.M. Stationary Office
Reihe: Pamphlet / Ministry of Education ; No. 2
Mediengruppe: Magazin
Cover von Scales of salaries for the teaching staff of training colleges
England and Wales, 1956
Verfasser: Great Britain / Ministry of Education Suche nach diesem Verfasser
Medienkennzeichen: Magazinbestand
Jahr: 1956
Verlag: London, H.M.S.O.
Mediengruppe: Magazin
Cover von Scales of salaries for the teaching staff of farm institutes and for teachers of agricultural (incl. horticultural) subjects
on the staff of Local Education Authorities ; England and Wales, 1956
Verfasser: Great Britain / Ministry of Education Suche nach diesem Verfasser
Medienkennzeichen: Magazinbestand
Jahr: 1956
Verlag: London, H.M.S.O.
Mediengruppe: Magazin
Cover von Half our future
a report of the Central Advisory Council for Education (England)
Verfasser: Great Britain / Ministry of Education Suche nach diesem Verfasser
Medienkennzeichen: Magazinbestand
Jahr: 1963
Verlag: London, H.M.S.O.
Mediengruppe: Magazin
Cover von 15 to 18

15 to 18

a report of the central advisory council for education (England)
Great Britain / Ministry of Education
London, H.M.S.O.
Bände lädt
Cover von Scales of salaries for teachers in establishments for further education
maintained by Local Education Authorities ; England and Wales, 1956
Verfasser: Great Britain / Ministry of Education / Burnham Committee Suche nach diesem Verfasser
Medienkennzeichen: Magazinbestand
Jahr: 1956
Verlag: London, H.M.S.O.
Mediengruppe: Magazin
Cover von Scales of salaries for teachers in primary and secondary schools
maintained by Local Education Authorities ; England and Wales 1956
Verfasser: Great Britain / Ministry of Education / Burnham Committee Suche nach diesem Verfasser
Medienkennzeichen: Magazinbestand
Jahr: 1956
Verlag: London, H.M.S.O.
Mediengruppe: Magazin