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Black symphony

Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Within Temptation (Musikgruppe)
Verfasserangabe: Within Temptation & The Metropole Orchestra
Medienkennzeichen: DVD-Beat, Rock, Pop
Jahr: 2008
Verlag: München, Sony BMG Music Entertainment (Germany)
Mediengruppe: DVD


BibliothekSignaturStandort 2BarcodeStatusFristVorbestellungenLageplan
Bibliothek: StB am Neumarkt Signatur: DVD-344 Standort 2: iD Within Temptation Barcode: 13681791 Status: Verfügbar Frist: Vorbestellungen: 0 Lagepläne:


Tracks: 1 Ouverture 2 Jillian 3 The howling 4 Stand my ground 5 The cross 6 What have you done 7 Hand of sorrow 8 The heart of everything 9 Forgiven 10 Somewhere 11 The swan song 12 Memories 13 Our soleman hour 14 The other half 15 Frozen 16 The promise 17 Angels 18 Mother earth 19 The truth beneath the rose 20 Deceiver of fools 21 All I need 22 Ice queen 23 Backstage report (Bonus track) 24 Documentary (Bonus track) 25 Countdown black symphony (Bonus track) 26 Bonus concert: Intro 27 Jillian 28 The howling 29 The cross 30 Hand of sorrow 31 The heart of everything 32 Restless 33 Our soleman hour 34 Mother earth 35 Jane doe 36 The truth beneath the rose 37 All I need 38 What have you done (Music video) 39 Frozen (Music video) 40 The howling (Music video) 41 All I need (Music video) 42 Extras: TMF awards Benelux 43 The dutch pop award show 44 Photoshoot Erwin Olaf 45 Orchestra recordings.


Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Within Temptation (Musikgruppe)
Verfasserangabe: Within Temptation & The Metropole Orchestra
Medienkennzeichen: DVD-Beat, Rock, Pop
Jahr: 2008
Verlag: München, Sony BMG Music Entertainment (Germany)
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik iD
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Beschreibung: 2 DVDs (350 Min.), farb.
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Sprache: Englisch
Fußnote: Sound: DSS 5.1/stereo 2.0/DTS; Ländercode: 0.
Mediengruppe: DVD